
A facebook friend of mine shared his thoughts yesterday. It resonated with me so, in spite of my year long writer’s block, I felt I needed to get this out. He said something about putting your beliefs, practices and values onto other people. It resonated with me because I often felt powerless in my life.ContinueContinue reading “Quiet”

Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself

I have a few new followers so I just want to introduce myself and catch everyone up…   My name is B.Well I am a successful entrepreneur, free writer, spiritual goddess, lover, feeler, free-spirited, introverted, goofy, nerdy, earth child. Lol I have thoughts and deep feelings on things I see the beauty in absolutely everything.ContinueContinue reading “Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself”

Lifestyle Godly: Intro

As I chronicle this journey, I’d like to tell you a bit about myself. I’ve always been a lover. I’ve had serious bad luck with discernment in my past when it came to relationships.  I’ve gotten myself into situations that I thought I’d never recover from, all because of the love that I have toContinueContinue reading “Lifestyle Godly: Intro”

New Year, New Me

It’s so important to exercise and “eat right”. That’s what I’ve been seeing lately- People waist training and eating clean. That’s wonderful and I commend them all on their results. Results- the effect from a certain cause. Within weeks we begin to notice progress in our human bodies as we commit to the gym and theContinueContinue reading “New Year, New Me”